What is a Noun in English Grammar? Types of noun in English grammar with examples
What is a Noun in English Grammar: Noun is nothing but a word or a group of words used as the name of a class of people (E.g. Teacher, Englishman, Sarah), places (E.g. Park, library, India), things (E.g. Cup, book, milk) of a specific person, place or thing. A noun can either be singular (i.e.) a pen or plural (i.e.) two pens. Classification of nouns in English Grammar: Noun can be classified into: · Common nouns and proper nouns · Countable and uncountable nouns · Collective nouns · concrete and abstract nouns. Common and Proper nouns: Common nouns are those which denote a class of entities like a city, person, and the planet as against Proper nouns which denote unique entities like India, John, and Jupiter. Common nouns are generic and proper nouns are more specific. Countable and uncountable nouns: Countable nouns are those which ...